Let me begin by saying this; I never expected to be a millionaire with my degree.  I do not want anyone to read this and think- "Anthropology, how do you make money off of that?" I took the degree because I thought I would end up in a NGO. I wanted to help people, I was interested in traveling and making a difference in the world. I never thought my road would go quite like this. Let me explain a little with a brief bio.

I grew up in a suburb in New Jersey. My immediate family relations can be described at best- difficult. However, I had an amazing Aunt and Uncle and two cousins that would prove to be a strong support system my whole life. My parents divorced while I was in high school (it was a good thing hold off on the kleenex). My mother and I actually grew to have a good relationship for a few years. Then, during my last year and a half of school my mother's relationship and I deteriorated with many tears and a fight on my own end. I moved in to my Aunt and Uncle's home and after graduation I moved into an apartment with a very close friend of 15 years. However, that did not quite go as planned and I was left with a heavy financial burden. 

Needless to say I quickly threw myself into working and worked every hour I possibly could. I worked at my peak three jobs to make ends meet. Just to note these jobs were not high paying or high level positions which even required a Bachelor's Degree.

Not long after, and because of my one menial job I found the love of my life who has meant more to me than I could ever explain here. At one of these jobs, my co-workers and later boss, introduced me to him. He was unbelievably sweet and continues to be so. Since then, (almost two years) we've had our ups and downs due to this job market and my roller coaster ride on it. 

A lot of people understand and have been there but I've noticed something. We're spending an incredible amount of resources (i.e. time, money) having our resumes professionally critiqued, created, buying the infamous "interview suit", searching all the job sites, following up on the hundreds of applications we've made, using our networking skills, etc. but I haven't heard as many open up about the affects this market has had on them, how they're coping, how they got back to work, how they are making ends meet or even how they've helped someone else going through that situation. So what the hell got me here is this- where is the support for someone struggling with being unemployed?